
Choose one of the following assignments:

  1. Draw a cartoon about one of the subjects – it should at least have 5 pictures. Text balloons should all be written in English.
  2. Cook one of the traditional dishes of one of the countries and make an English instruction video about it.
  3. Make one of the drinks (or create a cocktail with one of the drinks) and make an English instruction video about it.
  4. Create a video in which you explain one of the subjects to other students in English. Make sure to use your own words.
  5. Draw a scene from one of the history pages. It should show your understanding about what happened in that scene.
  6. Write an English poem about one of the subjects.
  7. Write an essay about one of the countries which answers the following question: ‘What is the most interesting subject that you have learned about one of the countries?’ Explain your answer. (It should at least consist of 200 words)
  8. Give a 5-minute presentation about one of your favourite subjects in English.
  9. Give a 5-minute presentation about the biggest cultural differences between the Netherlands and one of the English-speaking countries.
  10. Create your own assignment. As long as it shows your understanding about one of the subjects, everything is possible. Ask your teacher for approval before you start.

Your teacher will explain when your assignment should be handed in.

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